Welcome to GIFT-IR : Guided Independent Flight Training – Instrument Rating
GIFT-IR is an in-sim training asset offering student pilots practical flight training that compliments instruction from their CFII and provides opportunities for practice.
It is recommended that the CFII accompany their student on their first several GIFT-IR missions unless and until the student has demonstrated mastery of preflight briefings and use of the navigational equipment provided in the aircraft used for your Redbird simulator.
Instructors are encouraged to keep track of student performance scores via each student’s online GIFT account. This provides instructors the ability to identify a student’s deficiencies and strengths to better provide targeted instruction and practice.
We hope you enjoy using GIFT-IR on your path to an instrument rating or a renewed level of proficiency. If you have questions, feedback, or would like guidance on any of the GIFT modules, please contact the Redbird GIFT team at gift@redbirdflight.com