GIFT:PPL – Intro Flight

In this lesson, you will learn the basics of how to fly an airplane, where the main controls are, and how to use them. Even though this is only your first flying lesson, you will be in control of the plane for most of the mission. And don’t worry, if you get into trouble, you’ll be automatically returned to the correct location in stable flight.

A Quick Overview of What You’ll Learn

  • The “yoke” (where a car’s steering wheel would normally be) allows you to bank the plane to the left and right by turning it. It also lets you point the nose up and down by pulling it back and pushing it forward.
  • The “rudder pedals” move the nose of the plane left and right and are used in combination with the yoke when turning. You also use the rudder pedals to steer on the ground, and you use the toe brakes (the tops of the pedals) to engage the brakes on the ground.
  • The “throttle” is the black handle to the right of the yoke. Push it in to make the propeller spin faster and provide more thrust. Pull it back to slow the propeller and reduce thrust.

Keys to Success

  • Follow the spoken instructions during the flight
  • Get used to looking out the windscreen more than you look at the instrument panel
  • Be sure to notice how the plane sounds and feels as you fly around performing different tasks
  • Notice that your pitch angle (how far up or down the nose is) affects your speed. If you point the nose up, you slow down. If you point the nose down, you speed up.
  • At the end of the lesson, you can continue flying around on your own. Have fun and experiment! All safety protocols will still be in place, so don’t worry about a thing.
Flights for Intro Flight
4984 Flights